Kol Nidre Menu 5770

We are having a small number of friends over for dinner before Kol Nidre services on Sunday. Originally, my parents were to be joining use for the holiday and my upcoming birthday, but they were forced to cancel their trip.

Here is our menu for dinner:

  • Wine for Kiddush
  • Whole Wheat & Honey Challah  (from Marcy Goldman)
  • Chuck roast braised in sweet onion: 3 lb chuck or 5-6 lb brisket. Season with spice rub, cover with 2 thinly sliced sweet onions and braise in a slow oven 2-3 hours. Cool, chill. Remove excess fat from jus before reheating. If braising a brisket, slice cold, then reheat.
  • Smoked Chicken
  • Pomegranate-Apricot Brown Rice
  • Sliced vegetables (cucumber, tomato, etc.)
  • Garlic Green Beans (from Barb & David)
  • Dessert (from Lee Ann)
  • Decaf tea

L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem (May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year)