Getting back in the groove (Oct. 27)

Went to lunch with a girlfriend on Monday and last night went to Book Club and participated quite a bit. I came home a bit quiet and reflective, but it wasn’t a bad thing. Just mulling things over in my head, ya know?

So, for BC, we read Zora Hurston’s Seraph on the Suwanee . It’s a powerful book and for the first time, possibly ever, we really discussed the book – the themes, how we interpreted it and how it affected us. It was great. Anyways – if you aren’t familiar with Hurston, she was a Black writer in the early part of the 20th century. SoS is the only book she wrote about Whites and it was published at a time when she was embroiled in a huge controversy in her personal life. The read is pretty easygoing, but it is a powerful book that will give you pause and really think about your life and your relationships.

Tonight is ‘bead night’ and I’m finally going to find out if my bead/polymer clay/wire art doll ‘placed’ in the Fall Contest. The next theme is Galactic Adventure. Still mulling over that one. The winter challenge, Hearts Afire, is already in the works – I’m probably going to use Cheryl’s breast cancer awareness candy beads for the basis of my design. Current working title is “Heart of the Cure’. Need to work on swapping out for some Swaro heart pendants.

Oh, if anyone is looking for some Fimo Soft in Gold, Copper, or Silver metallic let me know. I’d like to trade it for some neutral colors in Sculpey III. Need it for one of my ClayQuest classes.