The 99 cent hard hat (Oct 31)

So, originally we weren’t going to do anything for Avner for Halloween. We don’t want him trick-or-treating and the whole costume thing just seemed a bit much for a 2 1/2 year old. But….they were going to do a costume party theme today at his school and they’d only be in costume for a couple of hours, so I decided, what the heck.

Avner is currently fascinated with Bob the Builder – he has a couple of BTB books and I sometimes TiVO it from PBS for him to watch as a special treat. We stopped by the party store last night and I got a cheap plastic party favor-type BTB hard hat for 99 cents. Dressed Avner in overalls, a shirt, put his play hammer and wrench into the pockets and dropped the hard hat onto his head. I was thinking that the whole endeavor was pretty sad, but then…you should have seen his face light up. “I’m Bob the Builder! Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!”

In Jon’s words, sometimes all it takes is a 99 cent hat and a toddler’s imagination. Maybe there’s a lesson in there for all of us.